EPDM "Virgin" rubber granulate is a top-quality material made from an original rubber compound produced under controlled conditions with the intention of achieving predetermined properties. Specially selected ingredients such as rubber, oil, dyes and chemical additives are carefully mixed in a machine called a mixer. The mixture thus created is then vulcanized in an autoclave to make it hard and flexible at the same time. The final stage of production is to granulate the mixture into fine, uniform grains of a set size (fraction).
Currently, we produce EPDM rubber granules in 29 standard colors, and 22 special colors available on request when orders of min. 3 tons.
The colors of the granules can be previewed at Colors of EPDM rubber granules
EPDM rubber granules are produced in fractions:
- 1.0 - 3.5 mm
- 0.5 - 1.5 mm
- 0.0 - 0.5 mm
Special colors are produced only in the 1.0 - 3.5 mm fraction.
Types and applications of EPDM Virgin rubber granules:
The main use of EPDM rubber granules is in the construction of sports surfaces (i.e., running tracks, multipurpose fields, running paths) and the construction of playground safety surfaces that meet HIC fall standards.
Unirubber's portfolio also includes so-called EPDM LD rubber granules produced in the 1.0-4.0 mm fraction, which, through their improved physical properties, are used primarily in the construction of certified athletic surfaces in Full Pour systems.
The last type of EPDM rubber granules produced at Unirubber is the so-called Mulch EPDM form of irregular strands in the 2.0 - 30.0 mm fraction, these granules are used, among other things, as a top layer of safety surface and as a form of decorative surface.
Check whether you should use aromatic or aliphatic binder for your rubber granule color -> Polyurethane glue recommendation.
Virgin EPDM granule color mix:
Do you need a customized solution? Do you want your surface to be different from all the others? Create your individual mix of colored EPDM rubber granules! Check out what your mix will look like using our Granules Designer app.
Choose your colors >> adjust the % share of each color >> give us your order!
*Min. order quantity of EPDM granular color mix is 1 bag / color.
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Properties of EPDM Virgin rubber granules:

29 colors + special colors

lower bulk density - 9 kg / m 2

durable, resistant to abrasion

environmentally friendly

low maintenance cost

safe for health WWA dla granulatu RedWWA dla granulatu Reseda


resistant to weather conditions and UV radiation

100% materiał virgin

available in a light version